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Mental Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Crisis

Supporting  Mental  Health and Wellbeing – during  Corona Virus Crisis

Donna Butler, Psychotherapist (UKCP)

Infectious disease outbreaks affect our physical health and it can also have an impact on mental health.

It is normal to feel worried, stressed, anxious and fearful, when we hear of the Corona virus spreading and the tragic loss of lives. People can have very different reactions to the news of the spread widening. The press, media and social net- works are covered in either stories of suffering and loss of life, or to the other extreme- of memes and messages, using humour as an outlet for the stress it is creating. It can make nations collectively spiral into fear and it can also exacerbate known mental health conditions in individuals.

There are some sensible resources available online from the World Health Organisation, Mind UK and other mental health platforms, to assist people either concerned for the situation, or who are facing self- isolation. The information below briefly captures some ideas that can be useful.

  • Follow the guidance given regarding hand hygiene to reduce the spread of the virus
  • Avoid rumour– check public health advice-

World Health Organisation (WHO) and GOV.UK updates regarding areas affected and travel issues

  • Keep a healthy routine – eat the healthiest food you can and keep well hydrated to boost your immune system
  • Ensure you have adequate supplies of the medication you take regularly
  • Manage stress levels- stay connected to loved ones and friends –by text, e mail, phone/video calling/ face-time calls, if you can’t in person. Listen to music, read, watch your favourite programme, do something creative to distract you
  • Keep updated- coverage on social media and the news is extensive, so limit the time you spend doing this, too much exposure to this will potentially feed anxiety
  • For people who are isolated and concerned about their mental health- use helplines and online forums, for example elefriends mental health forum, to stay connected- Mind UK is a good resource regarding corona virus and mental health generally. The Silver Line is a charity who will support the over 70s population on the telephone 0800 470 80 90


If you have to go into self -isolation

  • Find the right place to stay for the advised time period, where you feel comfortable and safe
  • Ensure people know you are isolating yourself and ask them to check in on you remotely- through texts, face-time, e mails and phone calls to family/ friends
  • Eat well and regularly- before you go into isolation, ensure you have enough food and fluids to last you- there will be more chance of everyone having enough (supermarkets are seeing panic buying), if you remain measured. Home delivery of groceries can be helpful but be mindful of those delivering. Ask them to leave the shopping at the door.
  • Avoid alcohol – it lowers your immune system
  • If you are on medication – keep taking it
  • Continue with support – staying in touch with your GP and services
  • Keep the environment clean that you are living in. Ensuring you clear away and dispose of old tissues
  • Keep a small window open- for airflow
  • Keep your usual hygiene routine going
  • Plan small routines that you can control whilst you are self- isolating- keep a diary


It is easy to say ‘stay calm’ but writing down your thoughts and feelings can help to discharge some of the strength of them. It may also be helpful to list and evaluate any symptoms you have (raised temperature, difficulties breathing and sweating profusely).


If symptoms worsen then seek advice online   from NHS -111 . If symptoms escalate further, speak to NHS – 111 or your GP on the telephone, they will advise whether you should remain at home or attend hospital. They will help you to decide if you require medical intervention, or whether you should stay at home.

EMDR Conference, March 2016

Donna Butler to Present at EMDR Association National Conference in Liverpool- March 18th -19th 2016


One case is a Doctor’s experience  and one of a young parent ; the story in both cases follows their traumatic impact and recovery via an integrated approach of therapeutic intervention.